Tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins
Tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins

tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins

NC (vo): Yep, this is mostly a shot-for-shot retelling of the original film. (The opening credits are played along with the original film's credits to prove it's an exact animated version of them) NC: Oh, it's just like watching Willy Wonka! This should make all the Willy Wonka fans happy! (becomes frustrated and holds up two fingers) You see the problem, you first two seconds?! (Cut back to the film title: now it resembles the opening to Willy Wonka, with chocolate flowing in the background, while "Pure Imagination" plays in the background) NC: (grinning) Oh, it's just like watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon! This should make all the Tom and Jerry fans happy! (The film begins, with a classic Tom and Jerry title card, with the T&J theme playing) This is Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. So, is this the film to suck out that unique edge from a timeless classic? being lovingly satirized and referenced even today. (Cut to a quick montage of images of this film spoofed in pop culture: the Marilyn Manson album "Smells Like Children" Pawtucket Pat from Family Guy "Fry and the Slurm Factory", an episode of Futurama ). (Cut to a montage of still shots of the original movie) And, even though it's for kids, it still holds a slightly cynical edge that seems to be strangely contemporary, even though it came out years and years ago. cinematically, Willy Wonka has only two versions. (Cut to posters for the two Willy Wonka movies). NC (vo): But something about this one drove the Internet bonkers, maybe because. (Cut back to footage of the Tom and Jerry Willy Wonka movie)

tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins

NC: Nobody cared too much, as these properties were so big and so overused that nothing really seemed that surprising. They're almost line for line, they just somehow sneak Tom and Jerry into there. (Cut to footage of another film that merges MGM cartoon characters with a classic movie: Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz – oh, yeah, that happened!) They're now tied in with classic stories turned into classic films, despite there being absolutely no connection. NC (vo): They've taken a strange direction in the past couple of years, in that.there is no direction. (Cut to a montage of shots and footage of films showing Tom and Jerry (and other MGM cartoon characters) inexplicably appearing in cartoon versions of classic films, starting with Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse ) NC: And for those not aware, this is not the first time something like this has happened with Tom and Jerry.

tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins

at great lengths on this show, so it figures we should look over their latest cash grab of inconvenience. (Cut to the title cards for the NC's respective reviews on both Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka from way back when) NC: I talked about Willy Wonka and Tom and Jerry. But similar to welcomely-divorced parents, just because I like them individually does not mean they shouldn't stay miles away from each other. And one of them should clearly not be there at goddamn all! (Cut to shots of Tom and Jerry and the original Willy Wonka in order) I like Tom and Jerry. NC (vo): Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. (Footage of the following film that surprisingly exists is shown) "This really happened? It sure did! Our favorite cat and mouse with our favorite candy man to make our biggest blunder."

Tom and jerry episodes where nobody wins